Commonwealth Park Playground
The best play experience
Location: Gibraltar, UKOT
Project type: park
Client: Government of Gibraltar, Landform Consultants
Creating this Playground is the second phase of our work on the award-winning Commonwealth Park. There is a strong visual link between the two spaces with similar design lines and elements, but naturally the playground is play-orientated.
The design concept is based on two important key elements; play value and playable landscape, which will provide the best play experience for all ages and abilities in natural surroundings.
Our proposal includes numerous trees, plants, grass mounds, natural play and adult outdoor gym areas, artfully and playfully designed water features, and pergola and seats in a consistent dynamic style that surprise and amuse with every turn in the path.
The open space will have themes such as sensory play and elemental play and will balance the complexities of risk and challenge by respecting safety standards without sacrificing enjoyment. This will allow all users to meet their own play needs, from challenging to relaxing, through an interactive space in a natural landscape setting.